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Rickey Everett quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“When she shot it I had a good feeling…I felt like this was our time. We knew we were underdogs coming in, but I knew my players. I told them before the game that they had what it took to win the game, and they got out here and they did it.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I tell the girls that they can't make it if they don't shoot it. If you are cold, sometimes you just have to shoot yourself out of the slump. I encourage them to shoot. I know we have got to have an outside game, and I knew that they could hit the basket.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Seagraves, Waller, and Moore were their go-to players and we felt like if we could take one of them out of their system tonight by playing her man-to-man, then we could maybe make the best of it. But we didn't want to let Moore get hot.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“When she (Cross) missed the third shot and the ball went to the side where we had two girls, I knew we would have an opportunity to make a basket. I was thinking 'two' but the shot was a three-pointer, and it was all we needed. It was just our time.”

 Rickey Everett quote

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