“The insurgents are still there, ... They still want to derail the democratic process. They still want to discredit the Iraqi government, so operations continue.”
“It is imperative, in our perspective, that we drive a wedge between the insurgents and the Sunni population of Iraq . And having them actively involved in the political process is a way to drive that wedge,”
“What we've got to do is look at the individual that was indeed detained and what was he doing, regardless of what his profession is, ... That's a 'no'.”
“What was he doing that caused us to believe he was involved in suspicious activities? And then we will continue to work through our process to determine whether he should remain in detention, be released or transferred into the court system.”
“have the ability to pick the time and place of their choosing ... They have used swarm tactics and conducted a complex attack against civilians and Iraqi police officers.”
“In law enforcement, there's a time when you have to disassociate yourself from tragedy because if you can't, it'll destroy you, ... There's a point in an investigation where you're still working on it, but you have to keep things in perspective or you won't make it to retirement.”