“You ask them how they're doing and at first they say, fine. But if you talk with them for a few minutes, they start their laundry list: I miss my family. I lost this or that. I don't know where to go. It's cold here.”
“Our kids haven't learned to finish things that we start. I hope we learn this week. We used to pride ourselves. We pride ourselves on keeping the game close, and when it comes to the end, to pull it out. ... I can't remember the last time. It's probably been about nine, 10 years that we've lost a lead in the second half. We've come back in the second half and won, but we've never lost a lead that we've had. That's something we have to work on. That's nothing physically. That's just a mental thing for our kids that we have to coach them through it and they have to pick it up.”