“As there hasn't been any new modern architecture built in the historic center of Rome since Mussolini's time I think the Ara Pacis Museum became a lightening rod for issues that were not directly related to the building itself.”
“It is a very significant project for the city that will demonstrate Rome's ability to move into the 21st century so people should care deeply about it.”
“Our view is the entire World Trade Center is a sacred precinct, a place of dignity, a place of aspiration, a place of contemplation, and of hope and memory.”
“Our view is the entire World Trade Center is a sacred precinct, a place of dignity, a place of aspiration, a place of contemplation and of hope and memory,”
“Wood floors give it a warmth that works well with the openness and transparency of the units, the way in which the wood extends out to the balcony. It gives it a continuity of surface, and people can then put down carpet or rugs or whatever they want.”
“When I think of a place of worship, I think of a place where one can sit and be reminded of all the things that are important outside our individual lives. To express spirituality, the architect has to think of the original material of architecture, space and light.”