“I think that music videos began to be approached by young filmmakers as a form where they could do something interesting and innovative around the late '80s. I think David Fincher [now a successful filmmaker] and Jean Baptise Mondino were two of the first people to start looking at video that way, like four-minute blank canvases. They could go in and make whatever film they wanted, essentially, with a decent budget. So it became like film school for some really talented guys. Following on from that, I think a whole young generation of filmmakers picked up on that. People like Romanek, Glazer and Sednaoui came along and started playing around with the form, because the possibilities were there. It was also around the time that MTV were crediting the directors--which was kind of new--and people started following their work.”
“PS 152's parents, teachers and students have spent many years raising tens of thousands of dollars for a school computer room - only now to see that dream callously erased by the defendant, who allegedly used the association's funds as her own private piggy bank, ... Her alleged conduct is a betrayal of the trust of the parents who elected her to serve as their leader.”
“(Palm Pictures founder) Chris Blackwell said to me 6 or 7 years ago that DVD doesn't have to be a tombstone for creative content. He said (DVD) is such a great format that people will make content solely for DVD, and not just cheap franchise movies, but things that will extend the audio and visual arts.”
“I have to apologize. I'm really hung over. I have all the directors in town right now. We have a premiere at Lincoln Center, and we all went to dinner last night. I crawled home at 4:30 in the morning, so I'm really working at a quarter speed.”
“Spike Jonze and his peers were contributing to the culture in as meaningful a way as any of the artists they were working for. The paradigm shifted to the director being the artist.”
“This was an horrendous, totally irresponsible piece of dangerous driving. It has taken the lives of two young men and devastated the lives of family and friends. No sentence can bring back the young lives which have been lost.”