“Their transparency and cooperation in resolving this matter is a strong example of how states should respond in complying with their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.”
“I think you'll have to check with the Europeans as far as what their package will involve; whether it's anything new or whether it's just what they've always made clear, that there were certain benefits in the relationship that wouldn't happen without action by Iran on nuclear and other matters.”
“Secretary Powell will return to the region on another trip once the newly confirmed Palestinian Cabinet has had the opportunity to begin its work. That visit will afford the secretary an opportunity to advance the president's vision of two states -- Israel and an independent Palestine -- living side-by-side in peace and security.”
“We'll look at the letter, but that's all it is. Iraq has no choice but to comply with the resolution's terms. Iraq's letter is one of the requirements. The next ones are full disclosure and active cooperation with the inspectors.”