“The four-week suspension was for just cause. Additionally, there was no inherent violation of the labor agreement in the club's decision to pay Owens but not practice or play him due to the nature of the player's conduct and its destructive and continuing threat to the team.”
“The club has shouldered its burden of providing clear and convincing evidence of the players' misconduct, and moreover that the four-week suspension was for just cause. Additionally, there was no violation of the labor agreement inherent in the club's decision to pay Mr. Owens, but not permit him to play or practice due to the nature of his conduct and its destructive and continuing threat to the team.”
“[Richard Bloch , an arbitrator based in Washington who worked on cases of NHL salary arbitration for a decade, said,] It's a good sign that they are meeting; we're all hoping there is a way out of it. ... I'm very much in favor of having these things done with attention to each other rather than public posturing. A lot gets done when it is done quietly and in good faith.”
“no violation of the labor agreement inherent in the club's decision to pay Mr. Owens, but not to permit him to play or practice due to the nature of his conduct and its destructive and continuing threat to the team.”
“Make no mistake: you both are responsible for this proceeding, This will be an abandonment of responsibility that will, and should, haunt all of you.”
“This is a shameful exercise by two groups who it appears have bargained successfully in fat times; but in hard times, the talk turns to nuclear options .... You need to begin today, tonight ... you need to get down to this privately now.”