“[W]e who have been born and nurtured on this soil, we, whose habits, manners, and customs are the same in common with other Americans, can never consent to. . . be the bearers of the redress offered by that Society to that much afflicted.”
“This land, which we have watered with our tears and our blood, is now our mother country, and we are well satisfied to stay where wisdom abounds and the gospel is free.”
“Whereas our ancestors (not of choice) were the first successful cultivators of the wilds of America, we their descendants feel ourselves entitled to participate in the blessings of her luxuriant soil.”
“If you love your children, if you love your country, if you love the God of love, clear your hands from slaves, burden not your children or country with them.”
“If you love your children, if you love your country, if you love the God of love, clear your hands from slaves, burden not your children or your country with them.”
“We who have been born and nurtured on this soil, we, whose habits, manners, and customs are the same in common with other Americans, can never consent to - be the bearers of the redress offered by that Society to that much afflicted.”
“This land, which we have watered with our tears and our blood, is now our mother country, and we are well satisfied to stay where wisdom abounds and gospel is free.”
“And why did Tina do this. It bothers me very much because we're dealing with children's lives and not with a price of the children, money on their heads.”