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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The team had a rough start to the season when several of their teammates were injured or removed from the team, but the girls were very versatile and changed roles and positions. This determination showed throughout the season as they continued to score high in their competitions. Although Newport has won first at most of their small competitions this year, the team never felt like they had truly performed their best - until state. They had an amazing day.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It is such a privilege to work with this amazing group of young women. They are wonderful role models and have such big hearts. Being a leader is a huge responsibility, but the captains have done an incredible job keeping their teammates positive and working hard during the year.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The crowd lit up as Newport took the mat and interacted by yelling during the whole routine. Newport also had the honor of being on the front cover of the 2006 State Champion Booklets. This is such an honor to be chosen out of all 1A-4A schools for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Newport took first place with by a huge margin and placed fourth overall if you combine all divisions.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“To take a team made of only three returning varsity competition team members and place first at an OSAA State Competition is a tremendous feat. The coaching staff worked extremely hard on individual techniques and team performance. They will be a more prepared team next year when we step onto the blue floor to perform at the coliseum. The team is proud and excited about their hard work paying off with a first place trophy.”

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