“I didn't ever think I was going to lose my son and wife no never... no. A gush of water hit me in my chest and I lost my balance for about three seconds and when I did my son went over the back of my neck and over my wife's head and into the water. I turned around and I seen my wife go under. When I got to her I went under and I picked her feet up to hurl her up and she fell over. And she was floating to I knew she was dead,”
“The man who is here with, he's helped me. A couple of other people has helped me. I'm waiting on FEMA to give me their part, because the president said you're entitled to 2000 dollars and that check has been mailed.”
“Financial-wise, it has meant something to us, ... A lot of people will stop outside the city and get supplies. We get sales tax off the vendors that sell stuff during the concert, and that means probably a quarter of a million dollars to the county.”
“That (score) wasn't any indication of the game. We did a good job of getting the ball in the right people's hands in the end. Then they did what they do (best). Marquis had a heck of a game.”