“Why don't we just make sure and change the law, and if the governor then refuses to call the state of emergency, then we have something to fight about,”
“You get a passing visit, but you don't get anything substantive, because Fox knows that Fabian can't do anything. ... He's working at counter purposes with the governor, it seems to me.”
“Engaging in social experimentation with our children is not the role of the legislature, ... We are throwing the dice and taking a huge gamble, and we are gambling with the lives and future of generations not yet born.”
“The institution of marriage transcends political fads, ... We are talking about an institution that has been defined for thousands of years ? and we are being asked to engage in a great social experiment.”
“I think if we have an emergency, we'll bring our folks back, ... But right now the emergencies are in Iraq and on the Gulf Coast, and those are the things they're trained to deal with.”
“We are being asked to engage in a great social experiment, and the results of that experiment, if it is a failure, will be visited upon our children.”