“[Boykin was planning to talk about hostility toward homosexuals in the black community, Ray Daniels, communications director for the group, said Friday.] It's a groundbreaking statement and very forward thinking, ... It's the sort of thinking that will help heal our community.”
“Other small producers were happy to meet us, because we've been successful in marketing our products based on taste. Americans used to think beer was beer. Then, small brewers exposed consumers to a variety of styles, and they started to differentiate between flavors.”
“Consumer enjoyment of the flavor and diversity of craft beer continues to fuel healthy, steady growth in this segment. Small brewers lead the entire industry by offering flavorful, interesting beers.”
“Today more than 1300 small, traditional and independent breweries operate in the U.S. and because of them Americans have plenty to celebrate. Brewers provide jobs, pay taxes and contribute to tens of thousands of community, charitable and service organizations each year.”
“American Craft Beer Week strives to focus attention on the diverse and flavorful beers produced by small, traditional and independent brewers all over America. We want to give every American a chance to visit their local brewery and discover why craft beer is the fastest growing beverage alcohol category in the US.”