“The same people are the ones going out their banging it out every meet. Maybe we have too many people standing around and watching. We need to make some changes.”
“This was a high-scoring meet in relationship to the first seven outings. I thought the judges tonight were very in tune with college scoring. We let it slip away. Hopefully this season doesn't slip away.”
“We vaulted the best we have vaulted and probably ... had one of the best (floor) performances of the year. The debacle on bars and beam really cost us.”
“No, it doesn't (feel like we had our highest score). And I think the girls feel like that, also. I thought they competed very, very well tonight, (but) we just weren't as sharp as I would have expected to be. We still need to work on our landings on vault. We work on it every day.”
“But, then again, we had a break on floor. It was just a little bit untidy. We almost finished the meet off. It could have been (a great meet) with a couple more floor routines a little more solid, and a couple more bar routines a little more solidly performed.”
“This is our post-season play. We have been beaten up by every team in the conference. We haven't gotten one conference victory. Yet, I haven't lost faith in this team. I think they are angry with themselves, disappointed in themselves, but I think we are all committed to erase all that anger and disappointment by having a successful meet.”