“In essence, we want to know if Title I funds will be withheld if we exempt non-Title I schools that don't get the money. That is the million-dollar question.”
“I'm proud to say we were not standing around the reflecting pool. We were in the House of Representatives, and they briefed us as to what was going on, on the Hill that week.”
“We hit a nerve. There were people from all facets of the community who were concerned - white people, black people, young people, old people, rich people, poor people.”
“Everyone who wanted an opportunity to speak, got a chance to speak. These are people who had an opportunity to interface with policy makers in a matter that they might not have otherwise had. They were looking at the problem of poverty from so many angles, but they were of one accord.”
“After all the attention from this article. I was told that the pressure I put on helped to push the compromise. The original bill called for immediate implementation.”