“John Ashcroft ... stands for some of the most regressive policies on the ultraconservative agenda. He would ban contraceptive pills, deny contraceptive action to a woman who had been raped and would not allow an abortion in a case of incest.”
“We do not intend to encourage higher courts to consider and possibly create legal precedent that would injure everyday women in the workplace, based on the allegations and evidence of a politically charged case,”
“When they say men should take responsibility, they really mean men should take control ... that men should be heads and masters of their families, and women should take a back seat. That is a very bad message as far as I am concerned.”
“[Patricia Ireland, President of the National Organization for Women, also on the ground at Kennedy Space Center, sighed when I asked her about the convergence of the two events.] It has the potential to diminish the excitement ... And, at the same time, it reminds us that progress must go on. That it is bigger than any one connection to the past.”