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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Anytime a coach is talking to an official, (fans) think it's always bad. He just wants to know what you saw. It doesn't bother me a bit when a coach is up questioning you. But every time down the floor, that gets to be old. You have to pick your fights.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“If I miss one, I let them know. I tell them we're human. But as son as I make (a bad call), I'm like 'Oh man, I can't believe I did that.' But the things we shouldn't miss are ruling interpretations.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Officiating is a lot like being married. You tend to have selective hearing after a while. The toughest part to figure out is when to respond. When does (a coach) have a question, or when is he talking to be talking?”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“You can talk about the call, but the magic word is 'you'. Now they're directing that toward me. You can question my integrity, and that's a technical.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Probably 7 of 10 you give, a coach knew he was going to get a technical by what he said, and the other three, you can tell he didn't mean to say it, but he deserved it. The hardest thing for new official to understand it technical is just a foul. It's two free throws and possession of the ball. It's part of the game. If you read more into it than what it is, that's the problem.”

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