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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Our policy is to charge media for images they use from our site, but in this case we'll allow unlimited free usage for Bay Area print and broadcast news outlets. This is a great opportunity to test the concept of Cell Journalist -- that ordinary people using their cell phones or digital cameras can offer another dimension of news coverage.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We are looking for all types of photos and videos taken at the games. Students and fans are encouraged to send in images and videos of the games, players, fans, behind-the-scenes activities and even the parties and celebrations that follow.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Camera phones and digital cameras are transforming the ways that news is covered and reported. Ordinary citizens now have the opportunity to contribute to the news that is important to them, and be compensated for their effort. We think encouraging students to tell their story of the college basketball tournament is a great way to emphasize the spread of citizen news contributors.”

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