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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“McKesson's goal is to demonstrate a strong benefit and return on investment in health IT as High Point seeks to achieve its patient safety and business performance objectives. We're excited to expand on the relationship we've had with High Point and look forward to the opportunity to be part of its plan for making healthcare safer in the community.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We are very pleased to extend McKesson's partnership with Bay Medical Center as they pursue their goal for excellence in clinical care. McKesson understands the challenges and complexities of the modern healthcare environment. To help our customers meet those challenges, we offer the industry's only single-source solution designed to enhance patient care at every step of the delivery process. We look forward to working with Bay Medical Center and ACS as they leverage technology throughout their system to enable their staff to deliver the best care possible.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We are delighted to be able to partner with Wheaton Franciscan as it endeavors to develop a comprehensive electronic environment in support of advanced clinical processes and patient safety. Wheaton is clearly committed to employing information technology to drive clinical excellence and promote its mission to provide exceptional and compassionate care to its communities.”

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