“Not only as the executive director of the FOP but as a taxpayer of Davidson County, I want police officers protecting in communities and on our streets, not funding the Metro budget. I think it is time to call this a failed experiment and move on to something that is going to keep us safe ? safe in homes, safe in neighborhoods and safe on the highways.”
“If this is part of an analysis to review whether or not different training should be deployed, nobody is going to have a problem with that. But if on the other hand the motivation is to punish an officer for actions that were previously approved, I think that process then becomes patently unfair.”
“We're still going to exist, still represent our membership and still provide legal aid. We will still provide lobbying on behalf of our membership. The only thing that has changed is that when it comes time to sit down at the table with Metro to discuss pay and pension, the Teamsters will be the ones who will have that burden with Metro.”