“(In Legion), we had coaches, but they weren't coaches, ... They just filled the lineup card out and hit us ground balls. We never got any coaching like we give our kids. (In softball), I learned a lot about the defensive side and dealing with the men and the boys.”
“I have curly hair, so once (the mustache) gets out it starts going in 65 different directions, ... So now I have to wax it to control it. I asked the kids if I could get rid of it and they said 'No.'”
“If we don't make the mistakes we made on defense and the walks, it's a lot closer ball game. They had two hits and six runs. That doesn't say a lot for the way we played the game.”
“I'd have rather had them go out and kick our butts with honest hits. It is a bitter pill to go out and play badly and run the bases badly. The base-running blunders just killed us and we never came back from that because that was a great chance for us to go ahead.”
“We were just basically talking about what can be done, in the way of development, that would be a benefit to the community. It struck us that there isn't a whole lot of senior housing in the community.”