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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“They reach into a constituency that is important for the overall success of a progressive movement in America. It's only a part of that movement -- it's middle class and more educated -- but it plays a very important role. The club challenges those people to turn their values into political action and community action.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The Sierra Club is a blend of the recreational folks and public-policy folks. Both currents are pretty strong in there -- it's a source of tension in the organization, but a creative tension. That's one of their unique strengths: They offer a way for people to enjoy nature, but also make the bridge over to the kinds of public policy required to preserve the opportunity to enjoy nature.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Grassroots organizations grow stronger to the extent that their leaders go out and engage more people. It's all about building as broad a base as you can. The right seems to get it much more about being committed and cooperating with other committed people, and going out and evangelizing. There is an evangelical spirit in their movement that is a great strength to them. And there hasn't been a whole lot of that on the liberal side.”

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