“This, of course, leads to all kinds of questions about the extent to which choices will increase stratification and gentrification, ... Choosing Schools.”
“Once this is adopted, it would be difficult for the Security Council to turn the other way and to once again close its eyes to flagrant atrocities. We expect this to bring with it early warning systems, so we can prevent a conflict from reaching the point where there would have to be armed intervention.”
“The jury's out on whether this election can bring Bolivia back from the precipice of national collapse or whether it will generate even more political tension and perhaps a break-up of the country.”
“The Hispanic population in 2003 is radically different than in 1992, and many of the factors that have changed for Spanish-language immigrants make learning English more difficult. They are arriving later, staying in the U.S. for a shorter period, and fewer are speaking English at home.”