“I got some tough strikeouts with it. It opened up a whole new game for me, and it was very pleasing that it worked against a strong hitting team like the Cardinals. If my season ended, I'm glad it ended on a positive note.”
“At that point, I've just got to do what's best for the team. I did what I could. You want to try and go six or seven but I had Edmonds, a lefty coming up.”
“He expects the most from you. You better be ready to come to the field and give 100 percent and be professional, or you'll suffer the consequences. He's not going to let you slack. He's going to hold you accountable.”
“It came to the point where you try to do too much out there. You give up a couple of runs and in the back of your head, because of the way things have gone all year, I just tried to battle. It can be wearing on a person but I've been there before.”
“Very upbeat, real exciting. I think a lot of guys are happy with the organizational moves, the direction it's taken. Not only the good athletes they brought in, but the camaraderie is good, too. We all fit the same type -- all easy going, no big heads and that's real key.”