“I think they're a group that has a fiscally conservative bent and they're trying to do what is right, but to my knowledge, unless I've missed something, they have not imposed anything over and above the laws of California.”
“There's a time for everything, the Bible says. There's a time when we preach judgement, but there's also a time when we teach grace, mercy, love and hope and I think we're in a time when we preach the love, grace, mercy and hope.”
“People are going to have to wait around forever on the bus, and that will look bad on the city of Myrtle Beach. If they have to wait too long, they'll pick a taxi instead.”
“Evidence shows that if she was in the house, then she would have to be aware of what was happening. Thomas and Bryant presented themselves as being married on several occasions. She had several personal items and clothing in the house.”