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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The Sentinel II is one of the most non-invasive and yet sensitive pieces of passenger screening machinery fully available to date. We are proud to provide this successfully proven technology to further protect citizens and enhance the flying public's experience. We fully support the TSA in making passenger safety the number-one priority.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Designed to detect explosives or narcotics, the Sentinel II is the ideal complement to Smiths Detection's systems already installed in airport security checkpoints, as well as other points of critical infrastructure. The Sentinel II, a proven next-generation technology, adds a critical layer in the effort to maintain a clean and safe environment.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Having the ability to screen individuals from head-to-toe without using a secondary system, will maintain our high throughput and ease passenger waiting time in an already time-sensitive environment, such as a busy airport. A one-step system reduces costs as well as space and power requirements.”

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