“We're excited about (the tournament). It's something the coaches and players look forward to each and every year now that we've established it as an annual event.”
“They didn't have a lot of success here last year. But they came back with some experience this time, and you see the result. That was a good team we played today. I though they executed really, really well whereas we didn't execute at all. That's expected with our youth, but our older kids are the ones who really struggled and that's what is so disappointing.”
“I thought that hurt us. But it wasn't why we lost by any means. You can point to several plays just like that throughout the course of the game. Like I said, our execution was very poor tonight and that's something we're going to have to get corrected.”
“We really are starting to grow up now. All season long, I've been telling them to get their bats going and that other stuff will take care of itself. The easy part is throwing strikes and playing defense. We haven't done that consistently this year, but boy, we sure did it well today. We did everything well today.”
“Bill (Smith) was outstanding out there. I just can't say enough about the way he's been pitching of late. We can't ask for any more than what he's giving us right now. Throwing just 50 in six (innings) is pretty unbelievable. He can do it though.”
“Smith was tremendous in keeping them quiet and off the bases and making sure we had a chance to hang on and win. That's just what Bill does. He's been doing it for us all season and will keep doing it. He just goes out there all the time and competes.”