“I am running because I think our area is at a crossroads right now. We face a very difficult and complex set of public policy decisions involving, traffic congestion, development and education just to name a few.”
“I think voters have sent a strong message this past election that they want someone who will go down and work on issues that are priorities for the citizens in the district. Like traffic congestion and finding solutions to the traffic problems, as well as education and development. As state senator, those are the priorities that I will work on.”
“If this is the only opportunity that the candidates will have to debate one another, it needs to be in a setting that is open to the public. I don't understand why Mick has refused to accept the League of Woman's Voters debate.”
“My understanding is Mick Staton has refused to accept the League of Women Voters. He would not do it and I think, because he has been criticized so much, he's trying to find some other mechanism to make it look like there is a debate.”