“Allowing any drilling off the coast poses a serious threat to our way of life and our economy. We would like to see our policy-makers fighting to oppose any drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.”
“The administration is trying to do through rule making what they have been unable to do through legislation, which is weaken the protections off Florida's coasts against drilling.”
“And they don't need Florida's votes in the next election either. I cannot underestimate the importance of that. They want to lease millions of acres off Florida's coast.”
“Any pro-environmental piece of legislation has a hard road to travel in this Congress. It's not going to be a walk in the park, not with current leadership in some of these committees.”
“Combine this plan with the Domenici bill and it's clear Florida is dead in the sights of the oil industry and their allies in Congress and the White House. But the fight is far from over. It's a 10-round prize fight and we're in round 7.”
“We're wondering where that Jeb Bush has gone. We were facing the same fight back in 2001 with lease sale 181, but the difference then was some important people were facing re-election and we don't have that this time.”
“Gov. Bush's aggressive efforts to protect Florida's coast led to the protection we currently have. I think most people agree we need him once again to go to the mat on this issue if we're going to win some meaningful protections.”
“He clearly has the best access of any elected official in the country to the White House. And this is a White House plan to open Florida's coast to drilling.”