“Dust and dirt can cause the furnace to run less efficiently. A service technician can clean the unit and make sure that it is operating according to the manufacturer's specifications.”
“You feel warmer in your home if the humidity is at the right level. Add a humidifier to your home and you'll feel warmer even with your thermostat set a few degrees lower.”
“Many people are choosing this winter to replace their older furnace and invest in a high-efficiency furnace. Some of today's furnaces have an efficiency rating of 94.2 percent. That means, for every dollar you spend on gas, nearly 95 cents worth is heating your home. If you furnace is15 to 20 years old, the efficiency could be as low as 65 to 70 percent.”
“Honeywell states that homeowners can save as much as 11 percent by making use of a programmable thermostat. One of the new things now is to establish zones in your home. You can program different zones to be warmer than others. For example, you can keep the bedrooms colder during the day and warmer at night.”