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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“To slow it down to pull it out to fly over the planet, that was the real issue. ... You have to do this in very thin air. (When) flying on Mars at over half the speed of sound, the pressure of the air is as though you stuck your hand out the window of your car at 35 mph.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I think that was one of the issues of earlier mission concepts, just to fly a new airplane to another planet. While that appeals to me as an aeronautics guy, you've got to know why you're doing it. You've got to have a reason besides just to fly, and this has a very good reason.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Flying an airplane over Mars has been brewing with other folks since the '70s. We had an administrator, Dan Golden, who wanted to do a centennial flight, the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers. He wanted to fly an airplane on Mars, but that was too quick for the time or not cheap enough or what have you.”

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