“It's close to Chicago, which is my hometown, so my family can come see me play. I came to a game last year, and the season wasn't great, but it was still packed with fans, which shows a lot of character.”
“I started so late in the season, I just wanted to score 30 on one play. I just wanted to do everything all at once and rushing, rushing, and rushing. I realized if I calmed down, the game will come to me.”
“I stopped trying to post up. I realized posting up against 7-footers was not the smartest thing to do. I started trying for short-range or mid-range jumpers or driving. That allowed me to use my jumping ability to get by players.”
“We're concerned that other states will look at Wisconsin and say, 'Hey, they got their caseload down,' without looking at what happened to those families [that slid off the welfare rolls], ... We've got our work cut out for us in making sure the lessons of Wisconsin make it to Washington.”
“We had 17 turnovers in the first half, and like seven of them came in those three minutes. They did a good job of utilizing their press on non-ball handlers and converting.”