“It is positive that more hospitals are doing better financially. However, it should still be a concern that 27 percent of Pennsylvania hospitals are losing money.”
“At least some in the purchaser community, who have been paying 20 percent and 25 percent increases in their health insurance premiums, will take notice of this rising tide.”
“The drop in mortality is a tribute to Pennsylvania's top-notch surgeons and hospitals, as well as further evidence that public reporting works. The next frontier should be to reduce readmissions associated with infections, particularly hospital-acquired infections.”
“Heart bypass patients with hospital-acquired infections were more likely to die, be readmitted and have longer lengths of stay than those patients without infections.”
“In FY05, statewide average total and operating margins reached their highest levels since FY94, when PHC4 began publicly reporting these measures for all hospitals. The growth in FY05 financial margins was driven by a 90 percent increase in operating income.”