P.T. Barnum quotes (American circus Entertainer, He created The Greatest Show on Earth (1871). 1810-1891)
Taisen Deshimaru quotes
Dorothy Fields quotes (American song-Writer and Lyricist who collaborated with a number of Broadway's top composers during the heyday of American musical theatre. 1905-1974)
Dale Carnegie quotes (American lecturer, author, 1888-1955)
Edward Young quotes (English literary Critic, Poet and Dramatist, 1683-1765)
Kurt Langner quotes
Jose Saramago quotes (Portuguese novelist and man of letters, 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature, b.1992)
Clarence Darrow quotes (American Lawyer, Speaker and Writer, 1857-1938)
Joseph Heller quotes
Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)