Mary Anne Radmacher quotes
Walt Disney quotes (American motion-picture Producer, pioneer of animated cartoon films. 1901-1966)
James Dean quotes (American motion picture actor, symbol of rebellion, 1931-1955)
Winston Churchill quotes (British Orator, Author and Prime Minister during World War II. 1874-1965)
W. Clement Stone quotes (American best selling Author and Founder of Combined Insurance Co (now a part of Aon Corp.), 1902-2002)
Sam Keen quotes (American Philosopher, Spiritual mentor, motivational speaker and Writer)
A. A. Milne quotes (English Humorist, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, 1882-1956)
Javan quotes (Iranian born American Inventor, (invented gas laser 1960) b.1946)
Dr. Joyce Brothers quotes (American Psychologist, Columnist and Author, b.1928)
Washington Irving quotes (American Writer called the first American man of letters. Best known for the short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. 1783-1859)