“Of course we do not want to spoil the fun of the visitors by making them queue for a long time, or they may not be used to queuing for so long. That's why we are discussing with Disney to see if we could have flexible arrangements, like during certain days, when the number of people entering the park reaches a certain figure, they should not let the park become too crowded.”
“We welcome Disney to come to Hong Kong to invest in Disneyland, but in the process of building Disneyland, no-one has special rights. Everyone is equal before the law.”
“Disney has told us that queues at its other parks are also very long during peak periods ... but people may not be used to lining up for so long. So we are discussing with Disney on whether it could manage this more flexibly.”
“We will continue to strive to preserve fervently those strong aspects of our economic freedom, while enhancing those other aspects where there is room for further improvement.”
“Our key consideration is who will be best placed to facilitate the forging of consensus among WTO members in accordance with the Doha Development Agenda mandate, which has clearly provided for the proper address of development concerns in each and every negotiating area,”
“At the business conference, we will highlight to US companies the unique business opportunities that Hong Kong and Guangdong together will present to them,”