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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI've been relying very heavily on my instincts as of late, and my songwriting has come to depend on my ability to surrender to the inspiration whenever it strikes. When I clear my mind and let the music take over, my hands seem to move on their own, and my voice utters words I haven't premeditated. This is pure instinct. It's like riding a wave. You just take a deep breath, hop on, and hang on as long as you can. That's basically how I songwrite when I'm composing impromptu pieces. It's a lot like channeling. Or free associating. And it's super fun, because anything can happen! It's pure creativity.

 Christine Anderson quotes ( Singer, Songwriter and Pianist, )

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteIdentity is theft of the self

 Estee Martin quotes

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