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Famous Historians

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A. J. P. Taylor popularity 0/10  A. J. P. Taylor quotesHenry Cabot Lodge popularity 7/10  Henry Cabot Lodge quotes
Alexis de Tocqueville popularity 7/10  Alexis de Tocqueville quotesHenry Charles Lea popularity 0/10  Henry Charles Lea quotes
Alfred Hamilton Barr popularity 0/10  Alfred Hamilton Barr quotesHoward Zinn popularity 8/10  Howard Zinn quotes
Ammianus Marcellinus popularity 1/10  Ammianus Marcellinus quotesJacob Bronowski popularity 5/10  Jacob Bronowski quotes
Andre Malraux popularity 6/10  Andre Malraux quotesJames Anthony Froude popularity 0/10  James Anthony Froude quotes
Anita Brookner popularity 3/10  Anita Brookner quotesJames Bryce popularity 0/10  James Bryce quotes
Ariel Durant popularity 0/10  Ariel Durant quotesJames Harvey Robinson popularity 2/10  James Harvey Robinson quotes
Arnold Toynbee popularity 6/10  Arnold Toynbee quotesJames Truslow Adams popularity 5/10  James Truslow Adams quotes
Arthur Helps popularity 0/10  Arthur Helps quotesJean Rostand popularity 0/10  Jean Rostand quotes
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. popularity 0/10  Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. quotesJohan Huizinga popularity 5/10  Johan Huizinga quotes
B. H. Liddell Hart popularity 0/10  B. H. Liddell Hart quotesJohn Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton popularity 0/10  John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton quotes
Barbara W. Tuchman popularity 1/10  Barbara W. Tuchman quotesJohn Lothrop Motley popularity 0/10  John Lothrop Motley quotes
Barthold Georg Niebuhr popularity 0/10  Barthold Georg Niebuhr quotesJohn Milton popularity 8/10  John Milton quotes
Bernard De Voto popularity 0/10  Bernard De Voto quotesJohn Richard Green popularity 0/10  John Richard Green quotes
Bernice Johnson Reagon popularity 3/10  Bernice Johnson Reagon quotesJules Michelet popularity 5/10  Jules Michelet quotes
Carl N. Degler popularity 0/10  Carl N. Degler quotesKenneth Scott Latourette popularity 0/10  Kenneth Scott Latourette quotes
Carl Sandburg popularity 8/10  Carl Sandburg quotesMichel Foucault popularity 8/10  Michel Foucault quotes
Carter G. Woodson popularity 8/10  Carter G. Woodson quotesNikolaus Pevsner popularity 0/10  Nikolaus Pevsner quotes
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve popularity 0/10  Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve quotesPaul Sabatier popularity 5/10  Paul Sabatier quotes
Charles Austin Beard popularity 0/10  Charles Austin Beard quotesPhilip Guedalla popularity 0/10  Philip Guedalla quotes
Charles Kendall Adams popularity 0/10  Charles Kendall Adams quotesPhilippe de Comines popularity 0/10  Philippe de Comines quotes
Charles Seymour popularity 0/10  Charles Seymour quotesPolybius popularity 6/10  Polybius quotes
Charles William Stubbs popularity 0/10  Charles William Stubbs quotesRaymond Williams popularity 6/10  Raymond Williams quotes
Christian Cardell Corbet popularity 0/10  Christian Cardell Corbet quotesRodney Barker popularity 5/10  Rodney Barker quotes
Daniel J. Boorstin popularity 5/10  Daniel J. Boorstin quotesSallust popularity 5/10  Sallust quotes
David Harris popularity 6/10  David Harris quotesSalvador De Madariaga popularity 0/10  Salvador De Madariaga quotes
David Herbert Donald popularity 0/10  David Herbert Donald quotesSamuel Daniel popularity 5/10  Samuel Daniel quotes
David Hume popularity 8/10  David Hume quotesSamuel Eliot Morison popularity 5/10  Samuel Eliot Morison quotes
David Nasaw popularity 0/10  David Nasaw quotesSheila Rowbotham popularity 3/10  Sheila Rowbotham quotes
Diane Ravitch popularity 6/10  Diane Ravitch quotesShere Hite popularity 5/10  Shere Hite quotes
E. J. Hobsbawm popularity 0/10  E. J. Hobsbawm quotesSir Walter Scott popularity 8/10  Sir Walter Scott quotes
E. P. Beauchene popularity 0/10  E. P. Beauchene quotesTheodore H. White popularity 5/10  Theodore H. White quotes
Edgar Quinet popularity 0/10  Edgar Quinet quotesThomas Babington popularity 5/10  Thomas Babington quotes
Edward Eggleston popularity 5/10  Edward Eggleston quotesThomas Babington Macaulay popularity 5/10  Thomas Babington Macaulay quotes
Edward Gibbon popularity 6/10  Edward Gibbon quotesThomas Carlyle popularity 7/10  Thomas Carlyle quotes
Ernest Renan popularity 1/10  Ernest Renan quotesThucydides popularity 8/10  Thucydides quotes
Erwin Hargrove popularity 0/10  Erwin Hargrove quotesVan Wyck Brooks popularity 0/10  Van Wyck Brooks quotes
Flavius Josephus popularity 6/10  Flavius Josephus quotesVictor Cousin popularity 0/10  Victor Cousin quotes
Francesco Guicciardini popularity 5/10  Francesco Guicciardini quotesWill Durant popularity 6/10  Will Durant quotes
Frederic William Maitland popularity 0/10  Frederic William Maitland quotesWilliam Camden popularity 5/10  William Camden quotes
Friedrich von Schiller popularity 3/10  Friedrich von Schiller quotesWilliam Edward Hartpole Lecky popularity 0/10  William Edward Hartpole Lecky quotes
George F. Kennan popularity 6/10  George F. Kennan quotesWilliam H. McNeill popularity 0/10  William H. McNeill quotes
George Saintsbury popularity 3/10  George Saintsbury quotesWilliam Manchester popularity 6/10  William Manchester quotes
George Sarton popularity 1/10  George Sarton quotesWilliam Mitford popularity 0/10  William Mitford quotes
H. G. Wells popularity 6/10  H. G. Wells quotesXenophon popularity 7/10  Xenophon quotes
Hendrik Willem Van Loon popularity 0/10  Hendrik Willem Van Loon quotes 
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