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Hungarian Authors

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Albert Szent-Gyorgyi popularity 0/10  Albert Szent-Gyorgyi quotesImre Kertesz popularity 0/10  Imre Kertesz quotes
Bela Lugosi popularity 8/10  Bela Lugosi quotesJanos Arany popularity 0/10  Janos Arany quotes
Edward Teller popularity 8/10  Edward Teller quotesJohn von Neumann popularity 7/10  John von Neumann quotes
Erno Rubik popularity 7/10  Erno Rubik quotesJoseph Pulitzer popularity 7/10  Joseph Pulitzer quotes
Eugene Wigner popularity 2/10  Eugene Wigner quotesLeo Szilard popularity 6/10  Leo Szilard quotes
Eva Gabor popularity 8/10  Eva Gabor quotesTheodor Herzl popularity 6/10  Theodor Herzl quotes
Fritz Reiner popularity 3/10  Fritz Reiner quotesThomas S. Szasz popularity 0/10  Thomas S. Szasz quotes
George Soros popularity 8/10  George Soros quotes 
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